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Marijke Nijboer Achter de voordeur
vijf jaar meekijken bij gedwongen opvoedondersteuning aan een Rotterdams gezin
Nederlands | 128 pagina's | de Graaff, [Utrecht] | 2017
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Haalt de PvdA 2025?
Artikelen waarin negen auteurs – PvdA-leden, journalisten en politicologen – ingaan op de vraag of de Partij van de Arbeid nog wel toekomst heeft.
Nederlands | 143 pagina's | Uitgeverij THOTH, Bussum | 2017
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Mieke Mievis | Hilde Martinez Hard gezocht
Verslag van verschillende manieren van daten, met humor, luchtig én serieus beschreven.
Nederlands | 288 pagina's | Houtekiet, Antwerpen, Amsterdam | 2017
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Kees Meijlink Eigen wijs
kritisch denken in 33 lemma’s
Uitleg over allerlei facetten van kritisch denken en redeneren.
Nederlands | 151 pagina's | Damon, Eindhoven | 2017
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Wetenschappelijke parels
het belangrijkste wetenschappelijke nieuws volgens 193 'briljante geesten'
Korte artikelen over recente wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen, ontwikkelingen en inzichten op uiteenlopende terreinen.
Nederlands | 528 pagina's | Maven Publishing, Amsterdam | 2017
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De brede basis van het sociaal werk
grondslagen, methoden en praktijken
Studieboek op hbo-niveau.
Nederlands | 368 pagina's | Uitgeverij Coutinho, Bussum | 2023
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John Bunzl | Nick Duffell De oplossing is SimPol
een uitweg uit de wereldproblemen is eenvoudiger dan wij denken
Pleidooi voor een internationale aanpak van mondiale problemen en daarbij burgers ook stemrecht daarover te geven.
Nederlands | 292 pagina's | Lemniscaat, Rotterdam | 2018
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Ulrike Guérot De nieuwe burgeroorlog
hoe populisme het open Europa bedreigt
Pleidooi voor een verenigd Europa met gelijke rechten voor alle burgers op het gebied van sociale zekerheid, belastingen etc.
Nederlands | 112 pagina's | Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, Amsterdam | 2018
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Eric Halsberghe Slimmer denken
toolbox vol handige denkpatronen; veelzijdiger, flexibeler, creatiever
Nederlands | 202 pagina's | Garant, Antwerpen, Apeldoorn | 2017
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Dirk Schyvinck Wat als we straks 100 worden?
de uitdagingen van een lang leven
Onderzoek naar de maatschappelijke en persoonlijke consequenties als steeds meer mensen honderd jaar en ouder worden.
Nederlands | 239 pagina's | Houtekiet, Antwerpen, Amsterdam | 2017
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Hendrik Kaptein Logisch? Leren van drogredeneringen
Inleiding in het analyseren en doorzien van drogredeneringen en denkfouten.
Nederlands | 315 pagina's | Boom Juridisch, Den Haag | 2017
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The sparking discipline of criminology
John Braithwaite and the construction of critical social science and social justice
With a contribution by John Braithwaite himself: 'Opportunities and dangers of capitalist criminology'. Over the past decades, the Australian social scientist John Braithwaite (1951) has played a crucial role in the development of international criminology. He is universally considered one of the most renowned criminologists of our times and he has characteristically put his scientific engagement at the service of humanity and society by aiming at social justice, participative democracy, sustainable...
Engels | 165 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
'A truly golden handbook'
the scholarly quest for Utopia
'A Truly Golden Handbook, No Less Instructive than Delightful, by the Most Learned and Distinguished Professors of the Renowned University of Leuven.' 500 Years Utopia. What would the ideal society of the future look like? In 1516, the eminent English humanist Thomas More tried his hand at imagining a perfect society on a distant island. His Utopia was published in the Flemish town of Leuven, home of a university that was established almost a century earlier. 500 years later, scholars of this university...
Engels | 576 pagina's (PDF, 6,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
The European Company law action plan revisited
reassessment of the 2003 priorities of the European Commission
The harmonisation of company law has always been on the agenda of the European Union. Besides the protection of third parties affected by business transactions, the founders had two other objectives: first, promoting freedom of establishment, and second, preventing the abuse of such freedom. In fact, the fear of the Netherlands becoming the 'Delaware of Europe' (in terms of competition among Member States) seemed real, until, ironically, at the beginning of the 21st century, it was the privilege...
Engels | 376 pagina's (PDF, 5,2 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Stef Feyen Beyond federal dogmatics
the influence of European Union law on Belgian constitutional case law regarding federalism
Rethinking the relationship between EU law and Belgian national law. The relationship between EU law and national constitutional law, including constitutional law in federalism matters, has been subject to an ongoing scholarly debate. This monograph contributes to this debate in two ways. The author argues for an approach to constitutional law that goes beyond the classic - coined dogmatic - understanding of constitutional case law regarding federalism as expounded in Belgian academia. Building on...
Engels | 280 pagina's (PDF, 1,6 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Lectures for the XXIst century
What preoccupies scientists today? What is the impact of their ideas and discoveries on ourselves and on our society? This question is the starting point of the 'Lectures for the twenty-first century'. Parallel to the established Dutch series, this year for the first time an English edition was organized. This first English edition offers an international audience a glimpse behind the scenes of the laboratories, the work shops or the studies and shows how linguistic justice, the history of Belgium,...
Engels | 286 pagina's (PDF, 2,4 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Lectures for the XXIst century
The university is a nerve centre of society. This glimpse behind the scenes of the laboratories, workshops and classrooms of K.U.Leuven reveal what preoccupies scientists today, and how their ideas and discoveries impact our world. This second annual series of lectures in English includes such highlights as J.J. Cassiman on Genetics and Genomics, R. Merckx on Food in Africa, G. Verbeeck on The Future of History, and a great deal more. Bron: Flaptekst, uitgeversinformatie
Engels | 300 pagina's (PDF, 5,4 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
R. Elsen | Ignace Pollet | Patrick Develtere Compass for intercultural partnerships
a thought provoking book to deploy the integration of cultures as a source of welfare and tolerance in a glocalising world
As globalisation makes the visual distinction between North and South, East and West disappear, one definitely needs a compass. It still points to magnetic North. For the moment. This book focuses on the added value created by interculturality which is the interaction, exchange and integration between people of different cultures. The reflexions are aimed at profit and non-profit organisations who have the ambition to be enriched and strengthened by their cultural diversity. This publication states...
Engels | 162 pagina's (PDF, 2,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Mo Gawdat De logica van geluk
ontdek de formule
Nederlands | 553 pagina's | Dwarsligger®, [Amsterdam] | 2019
Bespreekbaar maken van seksualiteit en intimiteit
handboek voor professionals in zorg en welzijn
Nederlands | 351 pagina's | Uitgeverij Coutinho, Bussum | 2017
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