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Resultaat 241 - 260 (van 4450)
Peter Groenewegen Scientists, audiences and resources
the development of Dutch toxicological research
Engels | 225 pagina's | 1988
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Penelope Fitzgerald The beginning of spring
De vrouw van een drukker in Moskou loopt in het begin van deze eeuw weg met hun drie kinderen, die de dag daarop alweer terugkomen. Waarom reist ze alleen verder naar Engeland?
Engels | 187 pagina's | Collins, London | 1988
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Stephen Walsh The music of Stravinsky
Engels | 317 pagina's | Routledge, London [etc.] | 1988
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The Cambridge history of medieval political thought
Engels | 808 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 1988
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Dirk Sikkel Quality aspects of statistical data collection
Engels | 181 pagina's | 1988
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Hugo Grotius Meletius, sive, De iis quae inter Christianos conveniunt epistola
Engels | Latijn | 191 pagina's | Brill, Leiden [etc.] | 1988
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Flip de Kam Tax reform in a welfare state
the case of the Netherlands, 1960-1987
Engels | 256 pagina's | Imago voorlichting en boekverzorging, Den Haag | 1988
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James M. McPherson Battle cry of freedom
the Civil War era
Geschiedenis van de Amerikaanse burgeroorlog (1861-1865)
Engels | 904 pagina's | Oxford University Press, New York [etc.] | 1988
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Th.B. Roep Paleotidal levels in tidal sediments (3800-3635 BP)
compaction, sea level rise and human occupation (3275-2620 BP) at Bovenkarspel, NW Netherlands
Engels | ROB, [Amersfoort] | 1988
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Reinder Reinders New Halos
a Hellenistic town in Thessalía, Greece
Engels | 318 pagina's | HES, Utrecht | 1988
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Valentine Cunningham British writers of the thirties
Engels | 530 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1988
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W.J.H. Willems The Dutch river area: imperial policy and rural developments in a late Roman frontier zone
Engels | Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, [Amersfoort] | 1988
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L.J. de Regt A parametric model for syntactic studies of a textual corpus, demonstrated on the Hebrew of Deuteronomy 1-30
Engels | 138 pagina's | 1988
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Guyau and the idea of time
Engels | Frans | 244 pagina's | North-Holland Publ. Comp., Amsterdam [etc.] | 1988
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D.P. Hallewas The geology in relation to the record of occupation and settlement, Assendelver Polders
Engels | ROB, [Amersfoort] | 1988
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Henk Kars Petrography of Archaic antefixes from Satricum
Engels | Rijksdienst voor het Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek, [Amersfoort] | 1988
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Rogier van 't Rood Adult education, basic skills, culture, development and education
Beschrijving van ontstaan en ontwikkeling van het Nederlandse Instituut CESO dat zich bezighoudt met de studie over de organisatie van het onderwijs in ontwikkelingslanden
Engels | 130 pagina's | Centre for the Study of Education in Developing Countries (CESO), The Hague | 1988
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Arno J. Mayer Why did the heavens not darken?
the "final solution" in history
Engels | 492 pagina's | Pantheon Books, New York | 1988
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William J. Bouwsma John Calvin
a sixteenth-century portrait
Engels | 310 pagina's | Oxford University Press, New York [etc.] | 1988
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Peter Hall Cities of tomorrow
an intellectual history of urban planning and design in the twentieth century
Engels | 473 pagina's | Basil Blackwell, Oxford [etc.] | 1988
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