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Resultaat 301 - 320 (van 539)
Ant. Aug. Renouard Annales de l'imprimerie des Alde, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs éditions
Frans | Italiaans | Latijn | Renouard, Paris | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Euripides Euripidis Dramata
Latijn | Oudgrieks (tot 1453) | sumtibus librariae Hahnianae, Lipsiae | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Tiberius Hemsterhuis Anecdota Hemsterhusiana
Latijn | S. et J. Luchtmans, Lugduni Batavorum | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Ph.P. de Ségur Histoire de Napoléon et de la Grande-Armée pendant l'année 1812
Frans | 422 pagina's | Baudouin, Paris | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Terentianus Maurus Terentianus Maurus De litteris syllabis pedibus et metris
Latijn | 471 pagina's | Altheer, Trajecti ad Rhenum | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Marten Durks Sliucht in riucht
in rijmke
Westerlauwers Fries | 10 pagina's | J. Römelingh, Grins | 1825
Gedrukt boek
John Locke The Conduct of the understanding
moral, economical, and political
Engels | 262 pagina's | T. Davinson, London | 1825
Gedrukt boek
A selection of hymns for the use of the English communities of this city, and particularly for the service of the Episcopal Church, in Rotterdam
Engels | Plattner, Rotterdam | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Signs before death, and authenticated apparitions
in one hundred narratives
Engels | 312 pagina's | Simpkin and Marshall, London | 1825
Gedrukt boek
William Milburn Oriental commerce; or the East India trader's complete guide
containing a geographical and nautical description of the maritime parts of India, China, Japan, and neighbouring countries, including the eastern islands, and the trading stations on the passage from Europe; with an account of their respective commerce, productions, coins, weights, and measures, their port regulations, duties, rates, charges, &c., And a description of the commodities imported from thence into Great Britain, and the duties payable thereon, together with a mass of miscellaneous information, collected during many years' employment in the East India service, and in the course of seven voyages to India and China
Engels | 586 pagina's | Kingsbury, Parbury and Allen, London | 1825
Gedrukt boek
William Blackstone Commentaries on the laws of England, in four books
Engels | Strahan, London | 1809
Gedrukt boek
Philippus Serrurier Philippi Serrurier, Amstelodamensis, juris utriusque candidati ... commentatio ad quaestionem a facultate juridica propositam: Tradatur doctrina codicis civilis, quo utimur, de praesumtionibus, tum juris tantum, tum juris et de jure, quae vulgo dicuntur ..
Latijn | 1 pagina's | Otton. Ioann. vam Paddenburg : I. van Schoonhoven, [Traiecti ad Rhenum | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Johannes Rudolfus Thorbecke Johannis Rudolphi Thorbecke Oratio de disciplinarum historico-politicarum argumento
Latijn | 30 pagina's | De Goesin-Verhaeghe, Gandavi | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Jacobus Borsius Dissertatio theologica inauguralis de primorum hominum christianorum vita privata
Latijn | 114 pagina's | Haak et socios, Lugduni Batavorum | 1825
Gedrukt boek
F. Hemsterhuys Oeuvres philosophiques
Frans | 381 pagina's | Fr. Michel, imprimeur-libraire, Louvain | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Rapport de la Commission Supérieure sur les produits de l'industrie nationale exposés à Harlem dans les mois de juillet et août 1825
Frans | 272 pagina's | à l'Imprimerie d'État, La Haye | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Wilhelmus Jacobus Georgius Sijpkens Dissertatio iuridica inauguralis de condictione indebiti
Latijn | 4 pagina's | 1825
Gedrukt boek
Guil. Leignes Bakhoven Disputatio literaria inauguralis de concilio amphictyonum Delphico
quam ... ex auctoritate Iodoci Heringae ... pro gradu doctoratus ...
Latijn | 103 pagina's | Van Tyen, Amstelodami | 1825
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