Zoekresultaten voor: *
Resultaat 361 - 380 (van 1665)
Kelime Atlası (Hardcover)
TURKS - The nourishment of the soul, music, money, potatoes, tea, soup, robots, the internet, and the hundreds of words we use every day «2013» when, how, and where did they come from? Many words that are indispensable to us today were once names given to newly discovered things in various places. For example, shampoo came from India, coffee from Ethiopia, and crocodile from Egypt, entering our vocabulary. The Word Atlas takes the reader on an exciting journey from the very first page, exploring...
Turks | Taze Kitap, * | 2022
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Bebek Üniversitesi- (Hikayeli İlk Kavramlarım 2) Hava Durumu (Hardcover)
TURKS - A story introducing different weather conditions and exploring whether our feelings change on windy, rainy, sunny, or snowy days. It emphasizes the interaction between weather events and our emotional states.
Turks | Sincap Kitap, * | 2022
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Ejderha Hapşırığı
TURKS - In the story, when the dragon sneezes, all punctuation marks scatter around, and the author of the story asks the dragon to find and bring back the punctuation marks. Punctuation marks are in fairy tales and with fairy tale characters. As the dragon tries to retrieve them all, a journey filled with imagination begins for the children. In this fun and exciting adventure, children also learn about punctuation marks and their functions.
Turks | Kedi Çocuk, * | 2022
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Zeno ve Mondo Dalgalarla Dans Eden Kurabağalar
TURKS - "Zeno and Mondo are two frogs. Zeno enjoys closing his eyes and listening to nature. He knows how to sit without moving, see without looking, feel the distant and the near, and trust what he feels. Mondo, on the other hand, is a bit careless, hasty, and anxious. He gets carried away by his emotions. But after meeting Zeno, he begins to learn to breathe with nature, to become a part of it."
Turks | Alten Kitaplar, * | 2014
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Eric Carle Minik tohum
Een zaadje wordt met de wind meegevoerd en groeit later uit tot een bloem. Prentenboek met kleurenillustraties in collage- en spattechniek en een eenvoudig verhaal over de wisseling der seizoenen. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Turks | Kuraldışı Çocuk, İstanbul | 2014
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Max Velthuijs Kurbaǧa olmak ne güzel
Kikker is Kikker. - Kikker voelt zich nutteloos omdat hij niet zo veel kan als zijn vrienden. Vanaf circa 5 jaar.
Turks | Engels | 28 pagina's | Milet, London | 2000
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Max Velthuijs Kurbaǧa ve yabancı
Kikker en de vreemdeling. - Kikker en zijn vriendjes ontmoeten een rat, die in het bos is gaan wonen. Hun aanvankelijke vrees voor de nieuwkomer blijkt ongegrond. Vanaf circa 5 jaar.
Turks | Engels | 28 pagina's | Milet, London | 2000
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Dick Bruna Betje Big'in doğum günü
De verjaardag van Betje Big. - Klein prentenboekje met eenvoudige, gestileerde tekeningen in kleur en tekst op rijm over de voorbereidingen voor en het vieren van een verjaardag. Vanaf circa 2 jaar.
Turks | 28 pagina's | Mercis, Amsterdam | 2002
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Carlo Collodi Pinokyo
Pinokkio. - Pinokkio, een stoute houten harlekijn, zou best wel braaf willen worden, maar dat kost hem toch zoveel moeite. Vanaf circa 4 jaar; voorlezen vanaf circa 4 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Turks | 64 pagina's | Erdem Yayınları, İstanbul | 2001
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Simon James Ormandaki sincap
Als Selma met opa in het bos wandelt, ziet ze een eekhoorn die ze graag als huisdier wil. Prentenboek met ingekleurde krasserige pentekeningen. Vanaf ca. 4 jaar.
Turks | 26 pagina's | Lâle, Nijmegen | 1993
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Ayşegül Babalı Benim ülkem
Meraklısına Türkiye Atlası
Maak kennis met 38 steden van Turkije aan de hand van vrolijke tekeningen.
Turks | 87 pagina's | Fibula, Üsküdar, Istanbul | 2024
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Sara Şahinkanat Kim korkar kırmızi başlıklı kızdan
Kleine wolf mag alleen het bos in, maar moet wel beloven om uit de buurt van mensen te blijven. Verhaal van Roodkapje vanuit het oogpunt van moeder wolf. Hardkartonnen prentenboek op rijm met paginagrote kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 2 jaar.
Fictie | Sprookjes
Turks | 32 pagina's | YKY, İstanbul | 2024
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Ne Sorsan Bilir Minik- Benim İlk Büyük Araçlar Kitabım araçlar, itfaiye, traktör, kepçe … (Hardcover)
TURKS - A seed planted in the soil, until it becomes a delicious meal on our table, which tools are used in the process? What tools do we need sequentially in case of a fire? - It helps children develop their vocabulary. - It helps them read visual materials. - It assists them in learning by observing objects or entities. Thanks to rich visuals showing the usage areas of tools, children can examine the book on their own, create a story with pictures, compare the features of the tools, and review...
Turks | Sincap Kitap, * | 2024
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Ne Sorsan Bilir Minik- Benim İlk Bitkiler Kitabım- Sebzeler, Meyveler, Çiçekler (Hardcover)
TURKS - When life begins as a tiny seed underground, it continues to grow with nourishment from water, soil, air, and sunlight. That tiny seed transforms into fresh vegetables and fruits or sometimes into a fragrant flower. Which vegetables grow from seedlings, and which ones thrive underground in the soil? How do various fruits turn into vitamin-rich delights? And what about those fragrant flowers, how do they change in color and pattern? The answers to these questions, along with the English equivalents...
Turks | Sincap Kitap, * | 2024
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TURKS - In the intertwined tales, the first one unfolds as a peregrine falcon bittern attempts to learn invisibility amidst the reeds just like its mother. While exploring its own innate qualities and striving for self-discovery, it somehow becomes separated from its mother. In the second story, a veterinarian mother and her daughter come across the falcon bittern during a weekend nature walk. The bittern, following what it learned from its mother, holds its beak upright and remains perfectly still....
Turks | Redhouse Kidz, * | 2023
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Bebek Üniversitesi- (Hikayeli İlk Kavramlarım 3) Günlük Rutinim (Hardcover)
TURKS - A baby's daily routine is narrated through a fun story.
Turks | Sincap Kitap, * | 2023
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