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Resultaat 21 - 40 (van 49)
Wi̕ ām Aḥmad Namlat al-kitāb wa kitāb al-nnamla
Arabisch | 40 pagina's | Dār al-Āliyya Li-al-našr wa al-ḳadamāt al-ta limiyya, [Plaats van uitgave niet vastgesteld] | 2018
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De zoektocht naar het verzwegen verleden van de overleden moeder van een Canadese tweeling loopt parallel met de reconstructie van de Libanese burgeroorlog midden jaren zeventig van de 20e eeuw, waarin een wrede en bloedige strijd gevoerd werd tussen moslims en christenen.
Fictie | Politieke roman | Thriller
Fawzia Al Ansari Bondige informatie over het prachtige Nederland
opgedaan tijdens mijn inburgering
Tijdens haar inburgering in Nederland schreef Fawzia al Ansari, een sociologe uit Irak, een handgeschreven boekje over Nederland. Deze informatie is nu gebundeld in dit boek en bevat Nederlandse en parallel Arabische tekst.
Nederlands | Arabisch | 76 pagina's | Boekscout.nl, Soest | 2018
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ماذا أرى؟
ARABISCH - A warm story about Nour and her brother Hani Nour, who sees things around her with her ear, nose, mouth and hand and her brother who sees things with his eyes. Hani wonders how we can see things if we do not see them with our eyes, and Nour answers him with a wise and sighted answer.
Arabisch | Yanbow el kitab, * | 2018
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أمجد في أكون أو لا أكون
ARABISCH - Once Upon a Time is a story about Amjad Al-Fahman, about his dreams, ambitions and willpower. The events of this story take place when Amjad began the stage of thinking: What will I become? What will I become and in his many attempts to be or not to be; The apricot holiday was gone and the cumin season came. He broke a leg, bought a donkey, made a clay statue and was about to sell it to a customer.
Arabisch | Al-Balsam Publishing House, * | 2018
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Ayman al- ʿAtūm Yasmaʿūn ḥasīsahā
Arabisch | 368 pagina's | al-Muʾassasa al-ʿarabiyya li-al-dirāsāt wa al-našr, Bayrūt | 2018
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ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Munīf | Jabrā Ibrāhīm Jabrā ʿĀlam bi-lā ḵarāʾit
Arabisch | 382 pagina's | al-Tanwīr, Bayrūt | 2018
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Šahrazād Ẓanantuh ḥubban
Arabisch | 308 pagina's | Kalimāt, al-Kuwayt | 2018
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Buṯayna al- ʿĪsā Taḥta aqdām al-ummahāt
Arabisch | 278 pagina's | al-Dār al-ʿarabiyya li-al-ʿulūm nāširūn, Bayrūt | 2018
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Aṯīr ʿAbd Allāh al- Našmī Aḥbabtuk aktar mimmā yanbaġī
Arabisch | 326 pagina's | Dār al-fārābī, Bayrūt | 2018
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ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Munīf Šarq al-mutawassiṭ
Arabisch | 243 pagina's | al-Tanwīr, Bayrūt | 2018
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de Bibliotheek De Groene Venen Levende verhalen
de persoonlijke geschiedenis van 10 Nederlandse immigranten
Bundel met 10 verhalen van mensen die niet in Nederland zijn geboren en getogen, maar om verschillende redenen naar Nederland zijn gekomen.
Nederlands | Arabisch | Spaans | 62 pagina's | de Bibliotheek De Groene Venen, [Nieuwerker a/d IJssel] | 2018
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Adham Šarqāwī Hadīṯ al-masāʾ: nuṣuṣ
Arabisch | 291 pagina's | Kalimāt, al-Šāriqa | 2018
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أصدقاء إلى الأبد
ARABISCH - Alia feels that Hind, the new student, is getting everyone's attention at school. She resents this and accuses her of arrogance. What worries her most is the growing strength of the friendship between her best friend Hana and Hind. It takes Alia some time before she discovers that Hind is a nice and funny girl. The story focuses on the theme of jealousy between friends
Arabisch | Kalimat Group, * | 2018
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فاقد الحب يعطيه
ARABISCH - With love, a person - and an animal - can transform bitter reality into a beautiful life full of tenderness, warmth, and the desire to develop and build oneself and others. The dog did not receive love since he was taken from his mother and siblings, and the boy only knew love from some friends and for limited times. Also, this old lady was deprived of love since everyone around her turned into ferocious beings who only cared about material things. But these three preserved the seed of...
Arabisch | Al-Balsam Publishing House, * | 2018
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V. Abdur Rahiem Cursus Arabisch voor Nederlandssprekende studenten
deel 1
Arabisch | Engels | 192 pagina's | Barakah, [Amersfoort] | 2018
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Jabrā Ibrāhīm Jabrā al-Baḥṯ ʿan walīd masʿūd
Politieke roman
Arabisch | 398 pagina's | Dār al-Ādāb, Bayrūt | 2018
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ʿAlāʾ al- Aswānī Gamhuriyyat kaʾanna
Arabisch | 519 pagina's | Dār al-ādāb, Bayrūt | 2018
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V. Abdur Rahiem Cursus Arabisch voor Nederlandssprekende studenten
deel 2
Arabisch | Engels | 464 pagina's | Barakah, [Amersfoort] | 2018
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Marsa Malaz Kempinski
precious jewel on the sea; جوهرة ثمينة على البحر
Engels | Arabisch | 202 pagina's | Skira, Milano | 2018
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