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Resultaat 421 - 440 (van 850)
over de eigen geest en bewustzijn
Eerste Nederlandstalige vertaling van een boeddhistische tantrische tekst uit de 8e eeuw en van een handleiding uit de 14e eeuw van een Tibetaanse meester.
Nederlands | 286 pagina's | Uitgeverij Ka.Dag, [Nederland] | 2017
Gedrukt boek
Beschrijving vanuit een antroposofische invalshoek van de bewuste opvoeding van de wil, waardoor de mens zich gezond kan ontwikkelen.
Nederlands | 52 pagina's | Uitgeverij Pentagon, Amsterdam | 2017
Gedrukt boek
de woorden van Harry Kunneman
De bedenker van ‘dikke-ik’, ‘trage vragen’ en ‘normatieve professionaliteit’, over de achtergrond en betekenis van die termen en zijn werk en leven.
Nederlands | 156 pagina's | ISVW Uitgevers, Leusden | 2017
Gedrukt boek
de spiritualiteit van de single
Adviezen aan alleenstaanden door de remonstrantse predikante, waarin ze afrekent met het vooroordeel over de 'zielige' single en de voordelen van alleen zijn worden uiteengezet.
Nederlands | 77 pagina's | Meinema, Utrecht | 2017
Gedrukt boek
visie, achtergrond en werkvormen voor coaching en therapie vanuit non-duaal perspectief
Spirituele beschouwingen als basis voor therapie en coaching, afgewisseld met praktische oefeningen en werkvormen.
Nederlands | 403 pagina's | Uitgeverij Inzicht, Hillegom | 2017
Gedrukt boek
10 principes voor de kerk van nu
Beschouwing vanuit evangelisch perspectief over tien principes om een kerkelijke gemeente tot groei en bloei te brengen.
Nederlands | 208 pagina's | Uitgeverij Kok, Utrecht | 2017
Gedrukt boek
een delicate driehoeksverhouding
Verkenning van de religieuze, maatschappelijke en culturele tegenstellingen en overeenkomsten tussen de drie abrahamitische godsdiensten.
Nederlands | 222 pagina's | Davidsfonds Uitgeverij, [Antwerpen] | 2017
Gedrukt boek
Overzicht van de huidige wetenschappelijke inzichten omtrent de in 1947-1962 ontdekte Dode-Zeerollen, een collectie van Bijbelse en andere joodse religieuze handschriften.
Nederlands | 155 pagina's | Synthese, Rotterdam | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Love and happiness: few people will not be looking for these things in their life. Sometimes the search takes up a lifetime. Especially where unconditional love and happiness are concerned, it is not an easy quest. People often look for the answer in money, possessions, prestige, power, relationships and the like. They tend to find that while these can contribute to short-term happiness, they are not a permanent solution. People need to look beyond these things to discover where they can find true...
Engels | 244 pagina's (PDF, 0,5 MB) | U2pi BV, Den Haag | 2019
hoe we onze tijd besteden: werk, rust en waarom we hier op aarde zijn
Bezinning door de Amerikaanse voorganger op de religieuze en existentiële zin van werk, over het uitoefenen van een beroep als roeping en over de sabbat als heilige rustdag.
Nederlands | 311 pagina's | Unravel Publishers, Barneveld | 2020
Gedrukt boek
volgens de principes van Een cursus in wonderen
Theorie en oefeningen om jezelf te genezen, door je denkgeest te veranderen.
Nederlands | 141 pagina's | Inner Peace Publications, Soest | 2019
Gedrukt boek
Claudii Ptolemaei liber iudicialium
First ever edition of the Latin translation of Ptolemy's masterwork. This is the first edition ever of Moerbeke's Latin translation of Ptolemy's celebrated astrological handbook, known under the title Tetrabiblos or Quadripartitum (opus). Ptolemy's treatise (composed after 141 AD) offers a systematic overview of astrological science and had, together with his Almagest, an enormous influence up until the 17th century. In the Latin Middle Ages the work was mostly known through translations from the...
Engels | Latijn | 456 pagina's (PDF, 6,6 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
In the process of completing his critical edition of Marcus of Orvieto's Liber de Moralitatibus, Dr. Girard J. Etzkorn happened upon a set of questions attributed to Henry of Ghent at the end of Rome's Bibliotheca Angelica codex 750. These questions are edited in this volume under the proviso 'attributed to' so that scholars may compare the texts with other works of the Ghentian master known to be authentic. Based upon some initial comparisons Etzkorn concludes that the ten questions appear to be...
Engels | Latijn | 120 pagina's (PDF, 3,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
(quaestiones ordinariae), art. XLVII-LII
Volume 30 of the Henrici de Gandavo Opera Omnia series is devoted to Henry's Summa quaestionum ordinariarum, articles 47-52. This section of Henry's Summa deals with the action of the (divine) will; the divine will in relation to the divine intellect; divine beatitude; passion in relation to the divine being; the differences between the divine attributes; and the order of the divine attributes. The critical edition of the text is accompanied by a detailed introduction to the manuscripts and to Henry's...
Latijn | Engels | 356 pagina's (PDF, 9,9 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
(Quaestiones ordinariae), art. LIII-LV
Critical study of the 'second part' of Henry's Summa devoted to the Persons of the Trinity. Henry of Ghent's Summa, art. 53-55, was composed shortly after Christmas of 1281, at the height of Henry's teaching career in the Theology Faculty at the University in Paris. These questions, which begin the 'second part' of his Summa, are devoted to the Persons of the Trinity. They contain Henry's philosophical analyses of the theoretical concepts person, relation, and universals. The text has been reconstructed...
Latijn | Engels | 512 pagina's (PDF, 6,5 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
Henry of Ghent, the most influential philosopher/theologian of the last quarter of the 13th century at Paris, delivered his fourth Quodlibet during 1279. This Quodlibet was written at the beginning of what could be called the height of his career. In total there are 37 questions, which cover a wide range of topics, including theories in theology, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, ethics, and canon law. In these questions Henry presents his mature thought concerning the number...
Engels | Latijn | 450 pagina's (PDF, 14 MB) | Universitaire Pers Leuven, Leuven | 2017
oracular divination in the thought of Plutarch
An in-depth analysis of oracular divination in Plutarch's thought. Oracular divination was of special concern for Plutarch of Chaeronea (45-120 AD), Platonic philosopher as well as priest at the oracle of Apollo in Delphi. The peculiar nature of Delphic divination as an (im)perfect intermediary between the material and the immaterial world is fathomed in a thorough study of Plutarch's Delphic dialogues. This in-depth philosophical-conceptual analysis will disclose an original interpretation of oracular...
Engels | 256 pagina's (PDF, 1,2 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
consistency in Plutarch's writing; studies offered to Luc van der Stockt on the occasion of his retirement
Essays on erudite versatility in Plutarch's works. Plutarch was a brilliant Platonist, an erudite historian, a gifted author of highly polished literary dialogues, a priest of Apollo at Delphi, and a devoted politician in his hometown Chaeronea. He felt confident in the most technical and specialized discussions, yet was not afraid of rhetorical generalizations. In his voluminous oeuvre, he appears as a sharp polemicist and a loving father, an ardent pupil but also a kind, inspiring teacher, a sober...
Engels | 310 pagina's (PDF, 1,4 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
Aristotle's treatise On the Soul figures among the most influential texts in the intellectual history of the West. It is the first systematic treatise on the nature and functioning of the human soul, presenting Aristotle's authoritative analyses of, among others, sense perception, imagination, memory, and intellect. The ongoing debates on this difficult work continue the commentary tradition that dates back to antiquity. This volume offers a selection of papers by distinguished scholars, exploring...
Engels | 218 pagina's (PDF, 1,5 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017
epicureanism and philosophical debates; épicurisme et controverses
First collection of essays entirely devoted to the inscription of Diogenes of Oinoanda. The texts of Diogenes of Oinoanda (2nd century AD) who invited his readers to an Epicurean life is the largest ancient inscription ever discovered. Over 70 new finds have increased the number of known wall blocks and fragments to nearly 300, offering new insights into Diogenes' distinctive presentation of philosophy. This collection of essays discusses the philosophical significance of these discoveries and is...
Engels | Frans | 348 pagina's (PDF, 3,7 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2017