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Stephan Tschudi Madsen Sources of art nouveau
Engels | 488 pagina's | Da Capo Press, New York | 1976
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Joel Solomon Goldsmith Practising the presence
Een getuigenis, waarin schr. aanmoedigt tot een volledige aanvaarding van Gods aanwezigheid, ook in het dagelijks leven, als krachtgevend en evenwichtscheppend centrum
Engels | 200 pagina's | L.N. Fowler, Romford | 1976
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William Barclay The daily study Bible
Engels | 371 pagina's | The Saint Andrew Press, Edinburgh | 1975
Gedrukt boek
Khushwant Singh Train to Pakistan
Engels | 181 pagina's | Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn. | 1975
Gedrukt boek
Thomas Malory (Sir) King Arthur and his knights
selected tales
Engels | 231 pagina's | Oxford University Press, London [etc.] | 1975
Gedrukt boek
John G. Kemeny Introduction to finite mathematics
Engels | 484 pagina's | Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ [etc.] | 1974
Gedrukt boek
W.J. Gazeley Clock and watch escapements
Engels | 294 pagina's | Newnes-Butterworths, London | 1973
Gedrukt boek
Institut für Sozialforschung Aspects of sociology
Engels | 210 pagina's | Heinemann Educational, London | 1973
Gedrukt boek
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization New Unesco source book for science teaching
Engels | 270 pagina's | UNESCO, Paris | 1973
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Milton S. Kiver Transistor and integrated electronics
Engels | 675 pagina's | McGraw-Hill, New York [etc.] | 1972
Gedrukt boek
The Mennonite encyclopedia
a comprehensive reference work on the Anabaptist-Mennonite movement
Engels | 886 pagina's | Mennonite Brethren Publishing House [etc.], Hillsboro [etc.] | 1972
Gedrukt boek
Petrus Abaelardus Dialectica
first complete edition of the Parisian manuscript
Latijn | Engels | 669 pagina's | Van Gorcum, Assen | 1970
Gedrukt boek
F.E. Halliday Shakespeare and his world
Engels | 147 pagina's | Thames and Hudson, London | 1970
Gedrukt boek
P.L. Rawat History of Indian education
Engels | 468 pagina's | Ram Prasad, Agra-3 | 1970
Gedrukt boek
The early Christian Fathers
a selection from the writings of the Fathers from St. Clement of Rome to St. Athanasius
Engels | 310 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1969
Gedrukt boek
Indonesia Arts and crafts in Indonesia
Engels | 113 pagina's | Dept. of Information, Republic of Indonesia, [Djakarta] | 1969
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