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Resultaat 681 - 700 (van 4922)
Aeschylus Eumenides
Oudgrieks (tot 1453) | Engels | 308 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 1989
Gedrukt boek
E.R.K. Spoor Expert system design in an entity relationship environment
Engels | 249 pagina's | Free University Press, Amsterdam | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Jan van Dalen An analysis of labour productivity in wholesaling
using panel data and allowing for heteroskedasticity
Engels | 32 pagina's | Research Institute for Small and Medium-Sized Business in The Netherlands, Zoetermeer | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Antonio Domínguez Ortiz Velázquez
Leven en werk van de Spaanse schilder (1599-1660)
Engels | 286 pagina's | Metropolitan Museum of Art, distr. by Abrams, New York | 1989
Gedrukt boek
British mystery and thriller writers since 1940, first series
Engels | 419 pagina's | Gale Research, Inc, Detroit, Mich. | 1989
Gedrukt boek
British mystery writers, 1920-1939
Engels | 414 pagina's | Gale Research, Detroit, Mich. | 1989
Gedrukt boek
W.J.M. Levelt Speaking
from intention to articulation
Engels | 566 pagina's | MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. [etc.] | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Douglas Jarman Alban Berg, Wozzeck
Studie over het werk van de Oostenrijkse componist (1885-1935)
Engels | 181 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Richard Kraut Aristotle on the human good
Engels | 379 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Giles Barber Daphnis and Chloe: the markets and metamorphoses of an unknown bestseller
Engels | 86 pagina's | The British Library, London | 1989
Gedrukt boek
J.T.A. Koster Mathematical aspects of multiple correspondence analysis for ordinal variables
Engels | 138 pagina's | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Prosper Aquitanus Prosper of Aquitaine, De providentia Dei
Engels | Latijn | 137 pagina's | Brill, Leiden [etc.] | 1989
Gedrukt boek
G.J.P. van Breukelen Concentration, speed and precision in mental tests
a psychonometric approach
Engels | 188 pagina's | NICI, The Nijmegen Institute for Cognition Research and Information Technology, Division of Mathematical Models and Decision Theory, Nijmegen | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Alec Nove Glasnostʹ in action
cultural renaissance in Russia
Engels | 251 pagina's | Unwin Hyman, Boston [etc.] | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Dialect and education
some European perspectives
Engels | 334 pagina's | Multilingual Matters, Clevedon, Philadelphia | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Dominic J. O'Meara Pythagoras revived
mathematics and philosophy in late antiquity
Engels | 251 pagina's | Clarendon Press, Oxford | 1989
Gedrukt boek
C.G. Koedijk Studies in empirical exchange rate economics
Engels | 343 pagina's | 1989
Gedrukt boek
Frederick R. Karl William Faulkner: American writer
a biography
Engels | 1131 pagina's | Weidenfeld & Nicolson, New York, NY | 1989
Gedrukt boek
C.J.M. Kool Recursive Bayesian forecasting in economics
the multi state Kalman filter method
Engels | 447 pagina's | 1989
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