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Resultaat 701 - 720 (van 4916)
Benjamin Harshav The meaning of Yiddish
Engels | 205 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley, Ca. [etc.] | 1990
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Johannes Antonius Gerardus Gerwin van Leeuwen Fully Indian, authentically Christian
a study of the first fifteen years of the NBCLC (1967-1982), Bangalore, India, in the light of the theology of its founder, D.S. Amalorpavadass
Engels | 357 pagina's | Kok, Kampen | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Atomic spectra and oscillator strengths for astrophysics and fusion research
Engels | 243 pagina's | North-Holland, Amsterdam [etc.] | 1990
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Leo Gijsbert Kroon Job scheduling and capacity planning in aircraft maintenance
Engels | 161 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Franklin Edmund Tjon Sie Fat Representing kinship
simple models of elementary structures
Engels | 328 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Hermien van Veen Inventory of the collection Lev Trotsky and the International Left Opposition (ILO)/International Communist League (ICL), 1917-1919 (1920-1929) 1930-1934 (-1937)
Engels | 61 pagina's | Stichting Beheer IISG, Amsterdam | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Centrum voor Studies van het Hoger Onderwijsbeleid Peer review and performance indicators
quality assessment in British and Dutch higher education
Engels | 226 pagina's | Lemma, Utrecht | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Keith Michael Baker Inventing the French Revolution
essays on French political culture in the eighteenth century
Engels | 372 pagina's | Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [etc.] | 1990
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Jay Parini The last station
a novel of Tolstoy's last year
Engels | 290 pagina's | Holt, New York | 1990
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Albert Peter Marie Wagelmans Sensitivity analysis in combinatorial optimization
Engels | 210 pagina's | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Julia Jarman The new bike
Engelse leesoefenstof met paginagrote, gekleurde illustraties en eenvoudige tekst. Voor ca. 9 - 11 jaar.
Engels | 16 pagina's | Ginn, Aylesbury | 1990
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Diana Blok Bloodties & other bonds
Zwart-witte foto's van mensen die een bepaalde relatie met elkaar hebben.
Engels | 75 pagina's | Contact, Amsterdam | 1990
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Nathan Rosenstein Imperatores victi
military defeat and aristocratic competition in the middle and late Republic
Engels | 224 pagina's | University of California Press, Berkeley [etc.] | 1990
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Jane Robinson Wayward women
a guide to women travellers
Engels | 344 pagina's | Oxford University Press, Oxford [etc.] | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Anthony King Roman Gaul and Germany
Engels | 240 pagina's | British Museum Publications, London | 1990
Gedrukt boek
Human-computer interaction
Engels | 54 pagina's | Open universiteit, Heerlen | 1990
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Wilhelmus Anthonius Maria van der Wurff Diffusion and reanalysis in syntax
Engels | 218 pagina's | 1990
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National Gallery of Art Kazimir Malevich, 1878-1935
Overzicht van het leven en werk van de Russische schilder.
Engels | 231 pagina's | The Armand Hammer MUseum of Art and Cultural Center, California | 1990
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David M. Halperin One hundred years of homosexuality and other essays on Greek love
Onderzoek naar eerdere (historische en literaire) interpretaties en verzwegen vragen over erotiek, seks en gender in het klassieke Griekenland
Engels | 230 pagina's | Routledge, New York [etc.] | 1990
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