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Resultaat 761 - 780 (van 1174)
Charles Dickens The old curiosity shop
with thirty-nine illustrations by C. Green
Engels | 274 pagina's | Chapman and Hall, London | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Eugène Fromentin Les maîtres d'autrefois
Frans | 147 pagina's | De Heuvelpers, Hilversum | 1931
Gedrukt boek
J.-F. Dugniolle Le jeton historique des dix-sept provinces des Pays-Bas
Frans | Gobbaerts, Bruxelles | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Gustave van Hoorebeke Études sur l'origine des noms patronymiques flamands et sur quelques questions qui se rattachent aux noms
Frans | 507 pagina's | Librairie Polytechnique de Decq et Duhent [etc.], Bruxelles [etc.] | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Johannes Henricus Moll Vita Publii Vatinii
Latijn | 102 pagina's | Brouwer, Daventriae | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Fragmente eines mittelniederländischen Rittergedichtes
Duits | Middelnederlands (ca.1050-1350) | 156 pagina's | Trübner, Strassburg [etc.] | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Daniel Sanders Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
mit Belegen von Luther bis auf die Gegenwart
Duits | Wigand, Leipzig | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Antonius Everardus Beuzekamp Specimen litterarium inaugurale continens observationes in Plutarchi Vitam Catonis Uticensis
Latijn | 118 pagina's | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Pierre Beaumarchais Oeuvres complètes de Beaumarchais
Frans | 780 pagina's | Laplace, Sanchez et Cie, Paris | 1876
Gedrukt boek
Margaret Oliphant Phoebe Junior
Lotgevallen van een aantal inwoners van een Brits provincieplaatsje rond 1850.
Sociale roman
Engels | Broadview Press, Peterborough (Ont.) [etc.] | 2002
Gedrukt boek
Fred Burnaby A ride to Khiva
travels and adventures in Central Asia
Engels | 429 pagina's | Century Publishing [etc.], London | 1983
Gedrukt boek
John B. Saunders Mozley & Whiteley's law dictionary
Engels | 361 pagina's | Butterworth, London | 1977
Gedrukt boek
William Hughes Willshire A descriptive catalogue of playing and other cards in the British Museum
accompanied by a concise general history of the subject and remarks on cards of divination and of a politico-historical character
Engels | 87 pagina's | Emmering, Amsterdam | 1975
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Gesta Romanorum, or, Entertaining moral stories; invented by the monks as a fireside recreation, and commonly applied in their discourses from the pulpit: whence the most celebrated of our own poets and others, from the earliest times, have extracted their plots
Engels | 425 pagina's | Dover, [New York] | 1959
Gedrukt boek
Stopford A. Brooke English literature from A.D. 670 to A.D. 1832
Engels | 191 pagina's | Macmillan, London | 1910
Gedrukt boek
C.A. Cutter Rules for a dictionary catalog
Engels | 173 pagina's | Government Printing Office, Washington | 1904
Gedrukt boek
A.W. Franks Catalogue of a collection of Oriental porcelain and pottery, lent for exhibition
Engels | 246 pagina's | 1878
Gedrukt boek
A descriptive catalogue of the bronzes of European origin in the South Kensington Museum
Engels | 250 pagina's | Chapman and Hall, London | 1876
Gedrukt boek
R. Friedrich An account of the island of Bali
Engels | 62 pagina's | Trübner, London | 1876
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