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Kati Bohnet Kelebeğin yolculuğu
c̦ocuklar ic̦in stres düzenlemesi
Een voorlees-en aktiviteiten prentenboek met oefeningen om je kind en jezelf te helpen in stress situaties
Turks | 40 pagina's | Books on Demand, Norderstedt | 2023
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Nazife Burcu Takıl Piknik zamanı
Turks | 21 pagina's | Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, [Ankara] | 2023
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Jen Minkman Duvar
Leia is nieuwsgierig naar wat er zich achter de Muur bevindt die het eiland in tweeën deelt. Op een avond rent ze weg van de wrede leider Sol en ontmoet Walt, een van de Dwazen van achter de Muur. Vanaf ca. 15 jaar.
Fictie | Science fiction
Turks | 242 pagina's | Paris Yayınları, Istanbul | 2023
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Vladimir Tumanov Kraliçeyi kurtarmak
Turks | 176 pagina's | Günışığı Kitaplığı, İstanbul | 2020
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Afrika'da Kaplan Yoktur
TURKS - A story that explores kindness and responsibility, narrating the journey of a young tiger forced to leave its natural habitat as it returns to its den.
Turks | Final Kültür Sanat Yay«0131»nlar«0131», * | 2020
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Feridun Oral Kırmızı kanatlı baykuş
"Küçük baykuşun kanatları kırmızı ve güçlü değildi. Keşke bir arkadaşı olsaydı, onunla ne çok oyun oynardı. Belki uçmasına yardım ederdi. Rüzgârlı bir gece üzgün üzgün otururken bir çıtırtı duydu. Küçük bir fareydi bu ... Küçük baykuş ile farenin dostluğa dönüşen hikâyesini Feridun Oral yazdı ve resimledi."--
Turks | Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul | 2020
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Yeşil Şahmeran Masalı
TURKS - Are our needs limitless? What is it that compels us to buy things we don't actually need? Why do we work more, give up play and entertainment just to have more? When desiring to possess something, why don't we ask ourselves if it's truly necessary? This book brings this cycle to rainforests, among the animals.
Turks | Nesin Yay«0131»nevi, * | 2020
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L.N. Tolstoj İnsan neyle yaşar?
Een verhaal van Tolstoy dat mensen niet alleen kunnen leven en horen te leren hoe lief te hebben.
Turks | Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul | 2020
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Anneanne Gezegeni
TURKS - A inspiring story about a little girl's summer vacation with her grandmother, highlighting nature, living, and art.
Turks | Nesin Yayinevi, * | 2019
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Ne Sorsan Bilir Minik- Benim İlk Uzay Kitabım Güneş Sistemi, Yıldız Sistemi, Uzay İstasyonu
TURKS - "To explore space, scientists have been setting up space stations and sending satellites, rockets, and shuttles into space for years. Do you want to get to know the Solar System, the planets, and the stars up close? And wouldn't it be fun to learn the names of interesting celestial bodies in the star system? Observing space from Earth, working as a scientist at a space station, or even becoming an astronaut and going to space «2013» how exciting would that be? With a colorful children's encyclopedia...
Turks | Sincap Kitap, * | 2019
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Ismail Fidan Kendini onun yerine koy
Zes buurtkinderen horen bij een club, hebben een hechte band met elkaar en beleven elke dag nieuwe avonturen.
Turks | 42 pagina's | Erdem Çocuk, İstanbul | 2019
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Tekerlekler İş Başında - İşkolik İnşaat Araçlarım
Turks | Sincap Kitap, Istanbul | 2018
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Sjoerd Kuyper Daliş
Turks | 103 pagina's | Final Kültür Sanat Yayınları, Istanbul | 2018
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Ne Sorsan Bilir Minik- Benim İlk Hayvanlar Kitabım sincap, panda, aslan, kirpi... (Hardcover)
TURKS - "From the chicken to the crocodile, from the bird to the giraffe, so many animals live in our world! Farm animals, wild animals, pets, and marine creatures. This book, prepared in accordance with the preschool curriculum and under the supervision of child development experts: Thanks to rich visuals showing animals in their habitats, children can explore the book on their own, create stories with pictures, compare the characteristics of animals by examining them, and repeat what they have...
Turks | Sincap Kitap, * | 2017
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Disney Öykü Kitabı Yarati Ekibi Ariel ve koca bebek
Fictie | Sprookjes
Turks | 32 pagina's | Doğan Egmont, Istanbul | 2017
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Philipp Winterberg Egbert turns red
Turkish - English
Turks | Engels | 120 pagina's | Philipp Winterberg, Münster | 2022
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Sam McBratney Bil bakalim seni ne kadar seviyorum
Voordat hij gaat slapen, vertelt Hazeltje Grote Haas hoeveel hij van hem houdt. Met grote tekeningen in zachte kleuren.
Romantische verhalen
Turks | 32 pagina's | Tudem, Izmir | 2015
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