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Guido Poulus Hein Band Preparation, adjustment, and inhibition of responses
Engels | 169 pagina's | Faculteit Psychologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, [Amsterdam] | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Thys van der Molen Asthma treatment in general practice
Engels | 127 pagina's | 1997
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Lisa Graziose Corrin | Miwon Kwon | Norman Bryson | Mark Dion Mark Dion
Monografie over de Amerikaanse kunstenaar (1961- )
Engels | 160 pagina's | Phaidon, London | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Encyclopaedia of the history of science, technology, and medicine in non-Western cultures
Engels | 1117 pagina's | Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht [etc] | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer Housing in the Netherlands
Engels | 60 pagina's | Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, Department for Information and International Relations, The Hague | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Richard C. Trexler The journey of the Magi
meanings in history of a Christian story
Engels | 277 pagina's | Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Christina Johanna Maria Verhoeven Wellness effects of a worksite health promotion program
Engels | 255 pagina's | Health Psychology, Leiden University], [Leiden | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Jenny Sandra Doetjes Quantifiers and selection
on the distribution of quantifying expressions in French, Dutch and English
Engels | 307 pagina's | Holland Academic Graphics], [The Hague | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Jan Egbert Sturm Public capital spending: development and impact
Engels | 222 pagina's | Labyrint Publication, Capelle a/d IJssel | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Icons of art
the 20th century
De ontwikkeling van de twintigste-eeuwse schilder- en beeldhouwkunst in een honderdtal hoofdwerken.
Engels | 216 pagina's | Prestel, Munich [etc.] | 1997
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Richard Freling Models and techniques for integrating vehicle and crew scheduling
Engels | 151 pagina's | Thesis Publishers, Amsterdam | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Joseph Adolf Marie Wanders Who pays the price?
the production and marketing of coffee and cocoa in Sierra Leone under structural adjustment
Engels | 464 pagina's | Nijmeegs Instituut voor Comparatieve Cultuur- en Ontwikkelingsstudies (NICCOS), Nijmegen | 1997
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Jeanine Klaver From the land of the sun to the city of angels
the migration process of Zapotec Indians from Oaxaca, Mexico to Los Angeles, California
Engels | 261 pagina's | The Dutch Geographical Society, Utrecht | 1997
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Sander Wennekers Entrepreneurship, economic growth and what links them together
Engels | 71 pagina's | EIM, Small Business Research and Consultancy, Zoetermeer | 1997
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Jill Paton Walsh Goldengrove Unleaving
Tijdens een van hun vakanties in het huis van hun grootmoeder horen een neefje en een nichtje schokkend nieuws over hun afkomst.
Engels | 236 pagina's | Black Swan, London [etc.] | 1997
Gedrukt boek
Stichting IBBY Telling the tale
proceedings of the 25th Congress of the International Board on Books for Young People, Groningen, The Netherlands, August 12-16 1996
Engels | 212 pagina's | The Dutch Section of IBBY, Amsterdam | 1997
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Alette Petra Haveman The open-/closed-class distinction in spoken-word recognition
Engels | 184 pagina's | 1997
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