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Eric van der Snoek STDs and HIV infection in men who have sex with men
Rotterdam cohort study
Sinds de jaren negentig is er sprake van toename van seksueel overdraagbare aandoeningen (SOA) en HIV-infecties onder mannen die seks hebben met mannen (MSM). Uit nationale en internationale onderzoeken blijkt dat de toename van risicovolle seksuele contacten bij MSM voor een deel toe te schrijven is aan de succesvolle introductie van moderne geneesmiddelen tegen AIDS (HAART). In zijn proefschrift onderzocht Van der Snoek associaties tussen HAART-gerelateerde overtuigingen en het vóórkomen van...
Engels | 151 pagina's | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Tjarko Wouter de Jong Forming of laminates
Engels | 274 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Arendina Christina van der Meulen Syntactic movement and comprehension deficits in Broca's aphasia
Engels | 237 pagina's | LOT, Utrecht | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Gabriel Antunes de Araujo A grammar of Sabanê
a Nambikwaran language
Engels | 255 pagina's | LOT, Utrecht | 2004
Gedrukt boek
René van der Hulst Gender differences in workplace authority
an empirical study on social networks
Social resources embedded in personal relationships (i.e., information, practical assistance and socio-emotional support), can be used in accomplishing workplace authority. In this study gender differences in supervisory, sanctioning, and decision-making responsibilities are explored, and related to differences in the social structure and/or relational content of personal relationships at work. People's shortage of resources, as a function of their social network, could keep them from jobs at higher...
Engels | 298 pagina's | 2004
Gedrukt boek
AVOCAAD Local values in a networked design world
added value of computer aided architectural design
Engels | 235 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Seeds of transition
essays on novelty production, niches and regimes in agriculture
Engels | 356 pagina's | Royal Van Gorcum, Assen | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Claudia Boon Introduction to sustainable urban renewal
CO2 reduction and the use of performance agreements: experience from the Netherlands
Engels | 153 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Harish Devendre Goel Integrating reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) in conceptual process design
an optimization approach
Engels | 143 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory The role of empirical studies in understanding and supporting engineering design
workshop proceedings
Engels | 172 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Xiaohui Cheng Localization in Dutch dune sand and organic clay
new insights into localization mechanisms
Engels | 97 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Milou Beerepoot Renewable energy in energy performance regulations
a challenge for European member states in implementing the energy performance of buildings directive
Engels | 205 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Marina Tzakosta Multiple parallel grammars in the acquisition of stress in Greek L1
Engels | 333 pagina's | LOT, Utrecht | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Marie Muller From warfare to welfare
human security in a southern African context
Engels | 118 pagina's | Royal Van Gorcum, Assen | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Tran Minh Thuan Multi-objective management of saltwater intrusion in groundwater
optimization under uncertainty
Engels | 202 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Fernando Antonio Kuipers Quality of service routing in the internet
theory, complexity and algorithms
Engels | 227 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
Gedrukt boek
O. Soepenberg Prolonging the exposure to anti-cancer agents
Engels | 199 pagina's | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Debby Gerritsen Quality of life and its measurement in nursing homes
Proefschrift over de kwaliteit van leven van verpleeghuisbewoners, in het bijzonder het meten ervan.
Engels | 183 pagina's | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Avi Epstein Parallel hardware architectures for the life sciences
Engels | 153 pagina's | DUP Science, Delft | 2004
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