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Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Tabellen en grafieken betreffende de Nederlandsche conjunctuur
Nederlands | Engels | 45 pagina's | Nijgh & Van Ditmar, Rotterdam | 1937
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Burgerlijke staat en doodsoorzaak
ontwikkelingen in Nederland, 1950-1990; trends in The Netherlands, 1950-1990
Nederlands | Engels | 144 pagina's | SDU/Uitgeverij/CBS-Publikaties, 's-Gravenhage | 1995
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Ontwikkelingen in de energiesector in Nederland en de Europese Gemeenschap 1963-1972
Nederlands | Engels | 48 pagina's | Staatsuitgeverij, 's-Gravenhage | 1975
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Toerisme en recreatie in cijfers 2012
Nederlands | Engels | 220 pagina's | Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Den Haag | 2012
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Kosten en financiering van de gezondheidszorg 1972-1992
Nederlands | Engels | 46 pagina's | SDU/Uitgeverij/CBS-Publikaties, 's-Gravenhage | 1994
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Bibliografie van de Nederlandse volkstellingen sinds 1795
Nederlands | Engels | 15 pagina's | CBS, ['s-Gravenhage] | 1967
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek A century rounded up
reflections on the history of the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands
A century rounded up is a popular account of the history of the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands (CBS), as told by current and former employees of the CBS. The book describes the history of economic and social statistics and how the information has been made public in the course of the years. It also examines the Bureau's important contributions in the area of international statistics. The publication is illustrated with material from the Bureau archives
Engels | 207 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg [etc.] | 1999
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek A century of statistics
counting, accounting and recounting in the Netherlands
A century of statistics describes how statistics are made at the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Netherlands (CBS), currently called Statistics Netherlands. The book focuses on the methodological and organisational aspects of the work: data collection from companies and from households, sample surveying, mechanisation and computer techniques in the statistical process, coordination and integration of statistics, the calculation of indicators and price indices, confidentiality and publication...
Engels | 558 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg [etc.] | 1999
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The value added of national accounting
commemorating 50 years of national accounts in the Netherlands
Engels | 347 pagina's | CBS, Voorburg [etc.] | 1993
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek International election observation and assessment of elections
On 8 and 9 April 2011, an international Expert Meeting took place on the monitoring and assessment of elections. This meeting was unique in its kind: it was the first time election observers from the academic world, politics and international organisations - e.g. the OSCE, Council of Europe, and the EU - met to discuss Election Observation Missions (EOMs). In twenty chapters, this book provides an overview of decision processes, role, and interpretation of findings of the 30 thousand international...
Engels | 326 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Den Haag | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The Netherlands: getting through the crisis
The crisis that broke in the summer of 2008 hit the Dutch economy hard. This book describes the developments in the Dutch economy and their consequences for society. The book explains how problems have been overcome, where activity is back at its pre-crisis level, which areas are still struggling to get back on their feet and what the social effects have been. The book is useful for everyone who wants to know how the Netherlands got through the crisis
Engels | 56 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, The Hague | 2011
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The Dutch virtual census of 2001
analysis and methodology
The part on analysis in this publication deals with the following topics: key figures, household characteristics, working people, young people, seniors, foreign people and commuting. A comparison with earlier Dutch censuses is made and regional distributions are discussed with special attention to the ten major cities in the Netherlands. The 2001 results in the Netherlands are compared with the results in other European countries. The part on methodology deals with the input, throughput and output...
Engels | 276 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek International variation in socio-economic inequalities in self-reported health
a comparison of the Netherlands with other industrialised countries
Engels | 50 pagina's | SDU/publishers/CBS-publications, The Hague | 1992
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The EU-15's new economy
a statistical portrait
This publication offers a portrait which makes it possible to benchmark the countries involved in terms of how they are managing to achieve the goals of the Lisbon Agenda. It is both comprehensive - covering a broad spectrum of phenomena relevant to the new economy - but at the same time compact, restricting itself to a set of fifty key indicators. The publication provides a well-considered and practical overview of how Europe is performing with regard to the Lisbon Agenda
Engels | 116 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Voorburg [etc.] | 2005
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek The Netherlands in figures
The publication gives an overview of some important aspects and developments of Dutch society in the last quarter of a century
Engels | 28 pagina's | CBS, Statistics Netherlands, [Voorburg] | 2004
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Vital events
past, present and future of the Dutch population
To mark the centenary (1899-1999) of Statistics Netherlands the present publication gives a broad outline of the historical developments in the Dutch population, its present state and its most possible future. Many of the events discussed in this publication are vital in a true sense: not only to the individuals concerned, but also to society at large
Engels | 163 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, Department of Population, Voorburg | 1999
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Netherlands health interview survey 1981-1995
Engels | 99 pagina's | SDU Publishers/CBS-Publications, The Hague | 1996
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek National population forecasting in industrialized countries
Engels | 364 pagina's | Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam [etc.] | 1992
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Netherlands health interview survey 1981-1991
Engels | 98 pagina's | Staatsuitgeverij/CBS-publications, The Hague | 1992
Gedrukt boek
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek Environmental accounts of the Netherlands 2013
Engels | 118 pagina's | Statistics Netherlands, The Hague | 2014
Gedrukt boek