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Resultaat 1 - 20 (van 221)
A. de Froe England, its commerce and colonies
Engels | Nederlands | 182 pagina's | Noordhoff, Groningen | 1907
Vereeniging tot Bevordering van het Vreemdelingenverkeer te 's-Gravenhage 's-Gravenhage en Scheveningen
verzameling van stadsgezichten; Auswahl von Stadtbildern
Nederlands | Frans | Duits | Engels | 96 pagina's | Couvée, 's-Gravenhage | 1907
Internationaal Congres voor psychiatrie, neurologie, psychologie en krankzinnigenverpleging
2-7 sept. 1907
Nederlands | Frans | Engels | Duits | 89 pagina's | 1907
Peter T. Harkness Andy the acrobat, or Out with greatest show on earth
Engels | 233 pagina's | 1936
Adriaan J. Barnouw Anglo-Saxon Christian poetry
an address delivered at the opening of the lectures on the English language and literature at Leiden, October 12, 1907
Engels | 41 pagina's | Nijhoff, The Hague | 1914
Jacob Maris | William Maris The masterpieces of James and William Maris
32 reproductions from their most renowned pictures
Engels | Hols, The Hague | 1909
C. Winkler The central course of the nervus octavus and its influence on motility
Engels | 202 pagina's | Müller, Amsterdam | 1907
A short historical sketch of the English Reformed church, Begynhof, Amsterdam
Engels | 64 pagina's | 1907
C.H. Wind A hypothesis relating to the origin of Röntgen-rays
Engels | 5 pagina's | Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam | 1907
W. Shaw Caldecott Solomon's Temple, its history and its structure
With a preface by the rev. A.H. Sayce
Engels | 358 pagina's | 1907
J.F.C. Fuller The star in the west
A critical essay upon the works of Aleister Crowley
Engels | 327 pagina's | 1907
G.R.S. Mead Echos from the Gnosis. Vol. V
The mysteries of Mithra
Engels | 90 pagina's | 1907
Illustrated guide of Harlingen, Leeuwarden and Franeker
Engels | 76 pagina's | Hamstra, Harlingen | 1907
A.F.H. Dalhuisen Current-measurements at various depths in the North-Sea
(1st communication)
Engels | 8 pagina's | Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam | 1907
George W. Warvelle History of Scottish Rite Masonry in Chicago
From its introduction until the semi-centennial anniversary in the year 1907
Engels | 264 pagina's | 1907
Jurjī Zaydān Umayyads and ʿAbbásids, being the fourth part of Jurjí Zaydán's History of Islamic civilization
Engels | 325 pagina's | E. J. Brill, Leyden [etc.] | 1907