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Francis Thompson De hemelsche jager
Nederlands | Engels | 19 pagina's | Geert-Groote-Genootschap, 's-Hertogenbosch | 1923
Friesche Fokveehandel The Friesian Breeding Cattle Trading Association
Engels | Nederlands | 63 pagina's | 1923
Clarence Hawkes Dapples of the circus
the story of a Shetland pony and a boy
Engels | 230 pagina's | 1943
A.J. Wensinck New data concerning Syriac mystic literature
Engels | Klassiek Syrisch | 27 pagina's | Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam | 1923
J.M. Bijvoet X-ray investigation of the crystal structure of lithium and lithium hydride
Engels | 44 pagina's | A.W. Sijthoff's Uitgeversmaatschappij, Leiden | 1923
Sir Paul Vinogradoff I: Historical types of international law
lectures delivered in the University of Leiden
Engels | Frans | 157 pagina's | Brill, Lugduni Batavorum | 1923
The opium policy in the Netherlands Indies
Engels | 14 pagina's | Government's Printing Office, The Hague | 1923
Albertus Karssen X-ray investigation of the crystal structure of sodium bromate and sodium chlorate
Engels | 27 pagina's | Sijthoff, Leiden | 1923
F.N. Pryce The fame and confession of the fraternity or F.C. Commonly of the Rosie Cross. With a praeface annexed thereto and a short declaration of their physicall work by Eugenius Philalethes. With a translation of the letter of Adam Haselmeyer, Notarius Publicus to the Archduke Maximilian
Engels | 64 pagina's | 1923
E.J./vanWisselingh & Co. Half a century of picture dealing
Engels | [E.J. van Wisselingh], Amsterdam | 1923
C.U. Ariëns Kappers Some introductory lectures on general histology
read at the Peking Union Medical College, Oct. 1923
Engels | 1923
G.A. Dudok Sir Thomas More and his Utopia
Engels | 220 pagina's | H.J. Paris v.h. Firma A.H. Kruyt, Amsterdam | 1923
L. van Vuuren Geography
development of the geographical knowledge of the Malay archipelago
Engels | 25 pagina's | Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Internationale Circumpacifische Onderzoek Commissie, Amsterdam | 1923
H. de Groot Hamlet, its textual history
Engels | 140 pagina's | Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam | 1923
D. Plooij A primitive text of the Diatessaron
the Liège manuscript of a mediaeval Dutch translation; a preliminary study
Engels | 85 pagina's | Sijthoff, Leyden | 1923
A.J. Swaving Collection of legislative prescriptions concerning cheese
Engels | 103 pagina's | 1923
Imre Kiralfy Incidental music for use during the Installation Ceremony of a Knight Templar
Engels | 23 pagina's | 1923