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A.A. Milne Winnie-the-Pooh
De domme, snoeplustige, maar o zo lieve speelgoedbeer Winnie-the-Pooh beleeft met al zijn vriendjes en hun beschermer Christoffer Robin allerlei avonturen in het Hundred Acre Wood. Voorlezen vanaf ca. 5 jaar, zelf lezen vanaf ca. 8 jaar.
Engels | 147 pagina's | Egmont, London | 2016
Gedrukt boek
Ernest Hemingway The sun also rises
Het leven van Amerikaanse ballingenschrijvers in Parijs tijdens de twee wereldoorlogen.
Engels | 223 pagina's | Penguin Books, New York | 2022
Gedrukt boek
G.C.E. Crone Nederlandsche jachten, binnenschepen, visschersvaartuigen en daarmee verwante kleine zeeschepen, 1650-1900
Nederlands | Engels | 309 pagina's | Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam | 1926
W. Slagter Cocktails
American- en fancy drinks, ijsrecepten en -dranken
Engels | Nederlands | 283 pagina's | 1926
Daniël van der Zee Batavia de koningin van het Oosten
Nederlands | Engels | Schueler, Rotterdam | 1926
Taal en lied
liederen in vreemde talen ten dienste van christelijke scholen voor voortgezet onderwijs
Nederlands | Frans | Engels | 100 pagina's | Wolters, Groningen [etc.] | 1926
C.A.M. Spruijt Toy pigeons and other continental races
a full description of all breeds with detailed standards
Engels | 400 pagina's | Nijhoff, The Hague | 1927
Max Heindel Letters to Probationers of the Rosicrucian Fellowships. 1911 to 1918 Inclusive
Engels | 197 pagina's | 1926
World missionary directory
Engels | 829 pagina's | Bureau for Increasing the Use of the Quinine, Amsterdam | 1926
Permanent Court of Arbitration Counter-memorandum in answer to the memorandum containing a statement of the contentions of the government of the United States with respect to the question whether the Island of Palmas (or Miangas) in its entirely forms a part of Netherlands territory or of territory belonging to the United States of America, and the documents in support thereof
Engels | 95 pagina's | National Printing Office, The Hague | 1926
John W. Brown World migration and labour
Engels | 398 pagina's | [Nederlandsch Verbond van Vakvereenigingen], Amsterdam | 1926
H. Knorringa Emporos
data on trade and trader in Greek literature from Homer to Aristotle
Engels | 144 pagina's | Paris, Amsterdam | 1926
A. Eekhof Jonas Michaëlius, founder of the church in New Netherland
his life and work, together with the facsimile, transcription and English translation of an extensive unknown autograph Latin letter, which he wrote from Manhattan Island 13 September 1630, now published for the first time
Engels | 148 pagina's | Sijthoff, Leyden | 1926
Mark Ritual No. 2
Ceremonies of Opening and Closing Grand Lodge & Provincial Grand Lodge and Form of Installation of W.M.
Engels | 19 pagina's | 1926
The life of Buddha on the stūpa of Barabuḍur, according to the Lalitavistara-text
Engels | 60 pagina's | Nijhoff, The Hague | 1926