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Petrus de Arvernia | Marco Toste Petrus de Alvernia
Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum; a critical edition and study
This volume is the first complete critical edition of Peter of Auvergne's Questiones super I-VII libros Politicorum. The Questiones was produced at the Faculty of Arts of Paris sometime between late 1291 and 1296 and is the earliest surviving commentary in question form on Aristotle's Politics. As the introduction explains, the Questiones was philosophically innovative and became the most influential question commentary on the Politics in the Middle Ages. The volume also includes a critical edition...
Engels | Latijn | 902 pagina's (PDF, 15 MB) | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Justus Lipsius Monita et exempla politica
In 17th-century intellectual life, the ideas of the Renaissance humanist Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) were omnipresent. The publication of his Politica in 1589 had made Lipsius' name as an original and controversial political thinker. The sequel, the Monita et exempla politica (Political admonitions and examples), published in 1605, was meant as an illustration of Lipsius political thought as expounded in the Politica. Its aim was to offer concrete models of behavior for rulers against the background...
Engels | Latijn | PDF, 11 MB | Leuven University Press, Leuven | 2022
Desiderius Erasmus Herasmi Roterodami
silva carminum antehac nunquam impressorum
Latijn | Nederlands | 69 pagina's | Stichting Vrienden van Archief en Librije, Gouda | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Antoon Hubert Maria van Oeffelt Nicolaas Heyendal (1658-1733) en zijn voortzettingen van de Annales Rodenses
Nederlands | Latijn | 414 pagina's | 2022
Gedrukt boek
De oorkonden van het klooster Sint-Gerlach te Houthem, 1202-1293
Nederlands | Latijn | 190 pagina's | Koninklijk Limburgs Geschied- en Oudheidkundig Genootschap, Maastricht | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Hildegard von Bingen Symphonia
Analyse van de liturgische gezangen van de benedictijnse abdis (1098-1179).
Nederlands | Latijn | 248 pagina's | Halewijn, Antwerpen | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Huib J. Zuidervaart Astronomer, cartographer and naturalist of the New World
the life and scholarly achievements of Georg Marggrafe (1610-1643) in colonial Dutch Brazil
Engels | Latijn | 192 pagina's | Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Gioviano Pontano Eclogues
Garden of the Hesperides
Pastorale gedichten tegen de achtergrond van het landschap rondom Napels.
Engels | Latijn | 285 pagina's | Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Multitude of voyces
anthology of sacred music by women composers
169 pagina's | Multitude of voyces C.I.C. in association with Nycos, [Verenigd Koninkrijk] | 2022
Navigatio sancti Brendani
De Ierse heilige Brandaan (484-577) zou met zijn gezellen een wonderbaarlijke zeereis over de Atlantische Oceaan gemaakt hebben.
Duits | Latijn | 248 pagina's | Herder, Freiburg | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Avianus Set Fabulae
Duits | Latijn | 237 pagina's | De Gruyter, Berlin | 2022
Gedrukt boek
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Requiem
KV 626; SAM
86 pagina's | Hal Leonard®, Milwaukee, WI | 2022